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Showing posts from November, 2018

A bit more about NewsScape's philosophy:

A bit about NewsScape's philosophy: Every now and then, we see a post that stops us dead in our tracks. Never mind the 4+ million views of our hilarious and thankfully harmless firework launch demo, the picture here is what NewsScape is about. The role of an honest news/information broker is to explain and present the facts, and for you to say what you want about them - and occasionally step in when facts are misrepresented in opinions. Outrageous spin is at last being potentially harmful propaganda and in some instances, far more insidious. When a once-respected operation like the BBC gets caught with its pants down according to many who were told to look the other way when Jimmy Savile et al were struggling to keep theirs on, it lost all credibility. Cliff Richard's “trial by innuendo and helicopter” ought to have lead to wholesale sackings and new brooms at every level. But it didn’t. We think that Britain's "silent majority" is pretty